Thursday, December 12, 2013

A new day brings new beginnings.

I have had a few days to let everything sit in and think about our next steps. I strongly believe that God can pull me through this situation and miracles can happen. I am not sure what our future looks like at this time, but I know one day Chris and I will be parents. It just may not happen the way we want it to. Since our appointment we have done some research, I spoke to a friend about essential oils, and I saw my acupuncturist. The research we did was on the endometriosis diet. It is very strict, but I feel like I do not have much choice right now. I am going to start it after Christmas. I will be giving up a lot of the foods I love, but hopefully this will help in some way. I am also continuing acupuncture of course and I am going to add an Essential oil up till I start IVF then I have to stop the oil. Praying the surgery and the new adjustments will help us. I am continuing to trust God and pray we will get pregnant and stay pregnant with a little miracle. The past couple of days have been pretty difficult and I am ready to get past this bump in the road. (It feels more than a bump though). It really sucks that my Endo is so bad. I wish I would have known when I was younger that I had it so that maybe we could have done more...


  1. I sometimes feel the same way with the PCOS I was diagnosed with. For years I sensed something was wrong but never visited a doctor because starting a family wasn't on our minds. But God has reminded me that my past doesn't matter and that He makes all things new and no matter what was damaged or done in the past He can and will make better. With God nothing is impossible. I am believing with you girlie.

  2. I feel the same way about my endo. It sucks. What diet are you following? And what essential oils are you trying? So curious how other manage their endo. Praying that God shows you the way to motherhood....however it looks.

    1. Jessah, you can look up the endo diet online. It will give you all the foods to avoid etc. I am going to try sage. Praying for you as well. So glad we have each other for support!
