Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sunshine award

 I was nominated for the sunshine award from body shop girl. The sunshine award is awarded to women in the infertility community that bring sunshine to other girls' lives. How sweet! So I am going to answer her questions and pick 5 other bloggers to award the sunshine award to.

1. Did you always want to be a mother?

Yes, I have always wanted to be a mother. When I was really young I thought I wanted 7 kids! Hahaha!! Now, I would be happy with just one little blessing.

2. At this moment, do your bra and underwear match?

No, I am actually not wearing a bra currently. :)

3. Do you believe in soul mates?

Yes, I am married to my soul mate. We started dating in high school. 

4. What show is returning this month that you are excited to watch? Why?

Switched at Birth. It is one of the few shows I actually watch on a regular basis. I just really enjoy the show. 

5. Do you have a predetermined limit for when you no longer will TTC?

No. I feel that God will place it on my heart when the time is to stop or keep moving forward. I feel if it is God's plan for us to adopt and stop IVF cycles we will know.

6. Name a personal quirk that drives your partner crazy.

I have to be early everywhere. It drives him crazy! LOL

7. If I try to friend you on Facebook, will you pretend to not have one?

LOL no. I love all in infertility sisters.

8. Do you worry more about the appearance of your body or of your face?

My body

9. What do you most look forward to as a mother?

Having a special bond with my child that compares to nothing I have experienced before. 

10. If fertility and money were of no consequence, how many kids would you have?

I would have 3 children

To those who bring sunshine in my life: 

Here is your questions:
1. Does anyone else in your family struggle with infertility?
2. What is your favorite sport to watch?
3. If all of us TTC sisters could meet up, where would you want to go?
4. What is the craziest thing you have tried while ttc?
5. How many siblings do you have?
6. Do you enjoy the mountains or the ocean more? Why?
7. What are you going to enjoy the most about being a mom?
8. How many pets do you have? What are their names?
9. What is your favorite movie?
10. What have you learned most about yourself during this ttc journey?


  1. Yay! I love your answers! I totally agree with number 5, we also feel it's open ended until that day when we know it's over. I wasn't wearing a bra when I wrote the questions either;)

  2. ummm...I am totally just now seeing this! How funny because I got an email today from someone nominating me for this award and I was going to nominate that's when I came to your blog so that I could share the link. I am sooo sorry I missed this! yikes!!

    1. I should have wrote on your blog that I picked you.
