Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Starting BC/ IVF #3!

It seems forever since my last IVF cycle. I miscarried in October and time seem slow, until now. I am like wow it is almost time for IVF #3. Third time is a charm? Right?!?! So, here is a little update: AF came (period) today full force. I called my clinic to be placed on the calendar for our IVF/ICSI. The nurse called me back and gave me information and ordered my meds. I start birth control Thursday-March 12th. Last time I wasn't suppressed so hopefully the extra bc will help. I will have an u/s with Dr. R on March 6th. I will start my lupron injections on March 12th! If I am suppressed I will start my regular injections on March 22nd. The projected date for Retrieval is March 31, but I am no newbie to the IVF world and I know that everytime for me it has been pushed back! So, We are looking at the beginning of April for retrieval and transfer! I am excited, but a little scared to be honest. Time to write my verses and encouraging quotes on my mirror again. Please continue to pray for us. IVF cycles are always a little scary. A lot of time, energy, and money go into them. Thank you to each one of you that support us through prayers, encouraging words, and the friendships.


  1. Hey girl! Very exciting things coming up! I'm praying for you every day :) Keep in hope and when doubt or discouragement starts creeping in, say out loud a scripture. Jesus never thought but always said, "It is written..." when faced with temptation. There is huge power in our words. Love ya girl!!!


  2. Lisa, I am so happy that you get to begin round 3. I know the waiting is rough, but a break is healthy for the mind and your heart. You are able to dive into it stronger than ever! I am praying for you and Chris. May this next cycle be filled with peace and positivity. The stars are aligning :)

  3. Praying that the 3rd times a charm like you said :)
