Sunday, May 25, 2014

What's going on in the Mace family?

Hello all! Again...I really don't have much to blog and update about. We recently received our home study paper work that we can slowly start working on. We have to submit it all together and there are parts we have to wait till our class. It is a lot of stuff to fill out and honestly it makes me overwhelmed, but it will all be ok.

Chris and I decided to buy a boat! We have been wanting one for a little over a year, but we kept saying we might be pregnant..blah blah. So we finally just jumped on it! Yes, we know we could possibly get pregnant or get matched quickly, but the bigger picture here is that we are not letting infertility control us. We took the boat out Friday. It is a learning curve, but we had a lot of fun. I see lots of fun weekends ahead of this summer! 

That is about all going on in the Mace family. :) 


  1. awe yay!! Love this! Boats are amazing and your lil ones will enjoy it one day too ;) hugs!

  2. My hubby would love a boat too but he got a truck instead for now! Awesome that you went ahead and did something for yourselves regardless of infertility :)

  3. Congrats on your boat! That's super exciting. The paperwork probably seems overwhelming but I'm sure you'll have it all done in no time. Excited you're moving forward.

  4. Awesome, congratulations! I love how you said you aren't letting infertility control your life!!! Love that! Justine

  5. Awesome! Love how you wrote you aren't letting infertility control your lives! Love it!
