Thursday, March 6, 2014

"Lets get this beautiful woman pregnant!" :)

Hello there! I bet you are wondering what my title means...huh? :) I had my suppression check number 1 today. Dr. R came in and shook my hand and said it was great seeing me again. Then he turned to the nurse and said "Lets get this beautiful woman pregnant." It made me feel special. Hahaha. Anyway, the ultra sound seemed great and then I went over to have my blood work done. My estrogen levels came back good and I get to start my Lupron on March 10th! I am excited. It seems like my endo diet is helping! :) When I went over to Bennet to get my bloodwork done the nurse looked at me and said, "Are you getting skinny?" Haha. I said yes, I have lost 24 lbs. Then I told her she was the only one noticed because they didn't take my weight at Dr. R office. I was glad she could tell I have been working hard. 
I went to acupuncture afterwards. It was nice and relaxing. 
All seems to be going well so far. 
My prayers for this cycle are:
*To have a smooth cycle
*Good quality of eggs
*at least 1 embryo that makes it to freeze (neither 1st or 2nd cycle had any make it to freeze)
*To have a baby or babies


  1. Praying for all of those things for you!!

  2. Lots of prayers coming your way! Love you both.

  3. Fantastic news Lisa, fingers crossed for you!! Love cheeseykisses x

  4. Congrats on the weight loss! I hope your prayers come true.

    1. Thank you! I am still getting my recipes together for you. I will try and send it tomorrow or Saturday.

  5. Congrats on losing 24 pounds! Wow! Prayers for a good cycle for you...

  6. For whatever reason, I feel #3 is meant to be. They say even years are good years!! Here's to both of us getting our eggos preggo in the next couple months! :)
