Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Suppression check #1

My suppression check was today and when my doctor was doing my ultrasound I could tell he wasn't impressed. He sent me over for my blood work. The blood work confirmed why my doctor was not impressed. I am not suppressed yet. Being suppressed for a IVF cycle is important so that you do not ovulate when starting stimulation injections. So, now I am taking some pills (2 a day) till Monday. I will go back to the doctor on Monday for another suppression check. I am kinda bummed, but it will all be ok. I will not be starting my Stim meds yet. I have to wait a bit longer. What is a little longer anyway...It has already been 2 years. I will update again on Monday and hopefully with better news.


  1. Good luck hun!! I hope it goes better your nect check!!!!! I just realized my hubby and I are now 5years and 5months of TTC.. Ugh.. Why is having a baby so hard for some of us??? I really hope this cycle works for you

  2. I know! Such a tough road! Good luck to you too!
